I ended up coming up with a simple transformation of XML to CSV for data normalization.
I found this to be useful with "nmap -oX xmlout.xml" output switch
Anyway long story short here is the quick and dirty.
# RUBY use of WIN32OLE
# Win32 OLE Q&A & Ruby stddoc
require 'win32ole'
excel = WIN32OLE.new('Excel.Application')
#excel['Visible'] = true
excel.workbooks.openxml({'Filename'=>'F:\xml_out.xml', 'LoadOption'=>2})
excel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs({'Filename'=>'F:\csv_in.csv','FileFormat'=>24, 'CreateBackup'=>'False'})
# Win32 OLE Q&A & Ruby stddoc
require 'win32ole'
excel = WIN32OLE.new('Excel.Application')
#excel['Visible'] = true
excel.workbooks.openxml({'Filename'=>'F:\xml_out.xml', 'LoadOption'=>2})
excel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs({'Filename'=>'F:\csv_in.csv','FileFormat'=>24, 'CreateBackup'=>'False'})